Capital |
Today is filled with great news!!!
We've just found out that DJ Capital is one of the DJ's selected to play at the Hansa Legends Tour With Usher!!!
DJ Capital, one of SA's most talented DJ's! He is a DJ, Student, and an entrepreneur! {-- Yes! Perfect Combo (He can make you get down on the dancefloor and also help you with your assignments AND throw the craziest parties ever!!!)
Ever heard of #ALS, better known as All Love Sundays?? Yes... He's part of the trio that is behind this great event.
4 Play Media?? They throw the biggest parties in Jozi, Capetown and Durbs!!! He also owns a stake there.
Cap |
We can't begin to express how proud we are of you!! We'll be there at the concert!! Can't wait to see you on the decks!!!
We have great news for all the Reps fanatics, bootycalls, wana be wifey's and the rest... *Looks Around*... Ok... Im Kidding
The Thundakats |
Yes, we have GREAT NEWS!!! The Reps will be back on our screens as of next week wednesday 29 February, 19:30 on our favourite channel VUZU!!!
TJ {-- How Yummy Is He |
Awwuuu... My favourite YoTV Presenter made a huge announcement today at 4pm... He's leaving YoTV after 5 years on the show.
He has made a great contribution to the show through his fabulous, crazy personality.
Nobody knows what's next for Akhumzi but it is rumoured that he has received a variety of deals... Mmmhhh... This guy is about to do BIG THINGS I just know it.
As one of my favourite presenters I hope to see you on tv sooooooon...
Akhumzi |
All the best!!!!
Mr "Pop Bottles Sunday To Sunday" has finally reached his senses!!!!
Speedy, mostly known as Speedy's Towel is reportedly back with Bongo Maffin after an 8 year split from the famous, talented, dynamic group.
It's about time he uses that voice on a project that will actually not only bring money in, but regain his momentum in the music industry.
He did have a mini come back with the 'Lento' song with Professor... damn... now that was a jam!!! *Hlokoloza's*
Kalawa Jazmee tweeted "Breaking News, Speedy bounces back to Bongo Maffin after 8 years. We take this opportunity to welcome him back..."
Anele |
It's that time of the year again when Radio Stations rearrange those on air, some get better slots and well... some... just get booted out...
But for the beautiful, energetic, and totally fabulous Anele it means a bigger slot, bigger followership, and who knows??... More cash in the bank sisi?? *Giggles*
She is leaving 5FM at the end of March for a drive time slot at Highveld Stereo, while her co-host Grant will retire from radio.
We just want to wish Anele all the best!!!
One thing is guaranteed, all your loyal listeners will follow you wherever you go!!!!
I wrote a piece for a Ash, owner and creator of Broke Billionaire. I guess I was tired of all the nonsense that "bloggers" kept posting, I was tired of seeing the same pictures on various blogs daily.
I did ruffle a few feathers with that piece but... I'm a blogger.... A crazy one soooo I don't mind. Please Check it out & don't be afraid to tell me what you think about it!!
Click Here To View It!!!