Our Fashion Head Editor Lesedi ‘Yves Paris’ represented us in the studio on #TheLink with PipeLeVoice and Deejay Fanatic and we just want to say THANK YOU SEDI and too the hosts!!! You entertained us, and informed the listeners of our magazine. Lesedi captured a huge crowd of listeners with your majestic voice. All of those with queries regarding the in house model search please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We want to thank the radio station, its owners, and hosts for believing in IceCreamMagazine, we appreciate your support and we will keep on striving for success.
To all those that are so quick to pre-judge the show and its hosts, take a minute to look at yourself, then look at them, then it’ll be very obvious why you still at the bottom. Constructive criticism has been applied to today’s show #TheLink and all your advice, queries, and complaints have been forwarded to the respective people.
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