Friday, August 5, 2011

Music, Radio, Life, ... Get To Know Mlu...

 Mlungisi "Mlu_Sims" Simelane is a radio jock. He is an artist manager and an aspiring TV Producer. He is currently hosting and producing a show on Rhthym100Radio on saturdays 11-2pm knows as The Audio Gallery with Menzi and Larry. He also manages a producer by the name of Titam and he has just finished mastering a rock albm - Fate Like Yours, Look Out For That!!
Mlu is currently working on his 1st TV Shiw, and is shooting the pilot next month. In his spare time he "I rescue cats stuck on trees and I heped locate Bin Laden. F#!* What you heard we killed that man" <--- Yes Mlu Tends To Have a VERY active imagination *Giggles" 

Describe Yoursef in 10 Words???
I am Almost Funny, Energetic, Stoner, Creative, and very Driven

Aspire to inspire before you expire.. What does this quote mean to you??
well its really corny!!! But luckily i am a sucker for corny stuff. To me it basically means give something back to the next man, by giving back I mean knowledge and a chance to the next kid who's trying to do something whether it be entertainment or not. Always aim to inspire others to follow their dreams, whenyou have a certain platform use it to build others before you die or become irrelevant. The quote does also mean this person was trying to hard to rhyme! HAHAHAHA!!

67Min for Mandela Day... What did you do?
Well for this years 67min i didnt do anything, besides come up with ideas. I probably could have done something but in all honesty I am still trying to help me so I can be able to help others on a greater scale in the future and I just believe if you going to start doing charity work it shouldnt be for a measly 67min. It's something I want to do and commit to.

Where to from here?
The plan is simple... excel in everything i've dipped my feet into. Be a better radio jock and grow up into Ryan Seacrest or Howard Stern. Help the artist I represent become something world class and have atleast two shows running on TV by this time next year. What comes after that, who knows.. Otherwise my other future planns include going to light up this cigarette in my hand now!!

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